Last Sunday I finished my first 12 weeks of Greenhabit I started out a bit skeptical, but this quickly changed. The nice thing is that everything is offered in small, accessible steps. It almost becomes a sport in itself to want to achieve your goals You do your challenges earlier. It has given me insight into that not everything has to go the way I have it in my head. It is best to color along the lines, does that make your day less? Just more interesting actually! I also didn’t achieve all the goals, bad? No, I learned from it. Especially learned that I am the one who determines; how do I handle things?
Do I let them ruin my day or do I use them to flip the switch and take action instead of passively waiting.
The sayings are inspiring, the recipes tasty, but also the nice photos that you can share with each other shows that everyone is working on it in their own way and making something beautiful out of it.
Happiness is a habit……..Greenhabit
“Not everything has to go the way I have in my head.”
'Many Fontys colleagues experience a high workload. Some drop out due to burnout or other complaints related to vitality. It is therefore important not only for ourselves as employees, but also for Fontys as an institute that working on vitality is continuously supported in an accessible way. Greenhabit lowers that threshold. It shows that you can work on your physical and mental health in a very relaxed way with small achievable steps and personal goals.
With our vision on sustainable employability, we focus more and more on prevention. Don't start only when employees develop complaints or drop out, but far ahead of that. A large group of employees are in the age category in which the menopausal symptoms manifest themselves. With the realization that you can get through the transition more easily by working on your lifestyle early, a group of enthusiastic employees started the journey together with a buddy after the onboarding. The HeartLife edition with Janneke Wittekoek. The theme of transition has been put on the map and it is appreciated by many that attention is paid to this. People feel heard and supported, which means that they work with even more pleasure and enthusiasm.
I was reset in very small steps, I can't call it anything else. Permanently reset. Big words! I'm normally not like that. Now I am. I finally said goodbye to a number of addictions (read
cheese, liquorice and chocolate). The need is gone, as are the antacids, the hyperventilation attacks, my back pain, and a big pile of clothes that I no longer fit. Now it seems like I'm talking about a weight loss program. That's not it. It is much more than that, this program is unique and life changing.
Truly transformative! 'My pressure is already lower within 3 weeks. Greenhabit is fantastic! The focus on more balance between the five domains. I have learned to choose my activities for these domains at the start of the day instead of it happening to me. - I found the information from positive psychology valuable. Emphasis on the word value. It reminded me every time to think/feel and choose activities that have an inner value for me.