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Mental well-being of employees is not

It's a strategy.

Resilient organizations are made up of resilient people.

In fact, 91% of organizations surveyed say that the main goal for working with employee wellbeing is to improve engagement. 90% of organizations say they want to improve emotional health – Forbes

Greenhabit is the most effective way to permanently change your health. Accessible and tailored to your personal goals and preferences. All programs include challenges and messages in all areas that positively affect your health. Choose the best for your employees. The investment in your largest capital pays for itself three times over. Prevent absenteeism and burn-outs and use the Greenhabit training. The greater the mental resilience, the easier employees can cope with pressure and change. This prevents downtime and, above all, it increases energy, work capacity and performance.

Sustainable behavioral change in twelve weeks (physical-mental-social).

Integral approach & Personal development

Also reach the NOT healthy people in your organization.
Can positively influence the mindset
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Experience more energy
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Can positively influence the mindset
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