Overcome Diabetes T2

This revolutionary method really works!

More than 1.2 million Dutch people have Diabetes. This is one in fourteen Dutch people, and 1,200 new cases are added every week. One in three of today’s adult Dutch people will develop type 2 diabetes. (source: research from Erasmus MC)

Free yourself from Diabetes T2 in 12 weeks

  • From medication to NO medication
  • Lose pounds, reduce belly fat
  • Experience less stress
  • Accessible
  • You do it together with a buddy
  • Feeling good about yourself
  • Involvement of your environment

How do you participate?

Order Geeenhabit Diabetes by emailing: info@greenhabit.nl

Will it be reimbursed?

It is not yet reimbursed by health insurance companies. Do you have an employer? Then inquire about the possibilities.

What do you get?

You and your buddy get:
  • 12-week program via Greenhabit App
  • Greenhabit package with book, water bottle
  • 3 physical rewards
  • 1x per month online group coach
  • Inspiring recipes
  • Community

What does it cost?

Greenhabit costs € 395 incl. VAT for two people. (>100 licenses: € 235 incl. vat)

Change your mindset,
healthy choices will follow naturally

“It is important for us to have good thoughts, because we become what we think.” You can distance yourself from negative thoughts. This contributes to emotional balance and thus a healthy heart. This new behavior can be learned; your brain is plastic. Neuroscientists have been showing for years that you can reprogram yourself. With Greenhabit, you practice positivity daily and can grow powerful, positive neuroconnections. In this way, you break through limiting thoughts and patterns and can replace them with positive thoughts and beliefs. You start living from personal drives.

With Greenhabit’s reflection model, reflect daily on your physical, mental and social health. This is how you become the master of your own balance.

healthy heart.

Why does this work?

Recent studies show that 90% of the disease Diabetes T2 is related to diet and lifestyle. Our choices are a consequence of our state of mind. Greenhabit looks at people as a whole. Health comes from within, when we are emotionally balanced we naturally make healthier choices.

Find out all about healthy eating

The Greenhabit guidelines are very simple. The 80/20 rule.
– eat 80% healthy, 20% less healthy
– eat yourself 80% full
– eat only anything you give a grade of 8 or higher